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Chapter 1 - General Law of Interstate Compacts


The legal framework governing Compacts encompasses a blend of Compact texts and case law from federal and state courts nationwide. Due to the limited number of court decisions that establish specific legal principles for any given Compact, courts often reference decisions from other federal and state courts when interpreting and applying Compact provisions. Additionally, courts draw on the texts and case law of other Compacts to establish generally applicable principles of Compact law. Given the intricate legal foundation and the widespread use of Compacts, judges and court personnel need to be well-versed in the law of interstate Compacts.

Interstate Compacts are not mere agreements between states open to parochial interpretations or selective application. They are statutory contracts binding member states, including their respective agencies, officials, and citizens to a set of agreed principles and understandings. These Compacts are not recommended procedures or discretionary proposals but are mandatory commitments. They differ from uniform, model, or suggested state laws and are not administrative agreements between agencies or executive officials. Understanding the unique significance of interstate Compacts within the American legal system is crucial to correctly applying their terms and conditions, thereby preventing legal jeopardy in fulfilling contractual obligations.