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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo

Peyton Tuthill Award

Lady Justice statue with a blindfold holding scales

Deadline to submit:

About the Award

The Peyton Tuthill Award goes to a legislator, victims’ advocate, law enforcement officer, or another individual with demonstrated exceptional leadership and service to the Commission. While recipients are not professionally involved in the Compact, their outstanding contributions uphold the Commission’s mission to promote public safety, improve supervised individuals outcomes, and protect victims.

Peyton Tuthill became an unfortunate symbol during the development of the Compact. Her tragic death served as a daily reminder to policymakers across the nation as to why this Compact and its tenets were critical to the preservation of public safety.

Today, her memory continues to shape discussions and policies regarding public safety. This award pays tribute to the success of the Compact and its mission, and it honors Peyton and her family.

About Peyton

Stephanie Peyton Tuthill

Peyton Tuthill was a 24-year-old graduate student, sorority president, active environmentalist, and dedicated volunteer. In 1999, an unsupervised felony probationer named Dante Paige sexually assaulted, tortured, and murdered Peyton. Dante Paige transferred from Maryland to Denver to participate in a halfway house program. That transfer occurred without any notice to Colorado authorities. Tragically, Paige never started the halfway house program. Following Peyton’s tragic death, her mother, Patricia Tuthill, became an outspoken advocate for the interstate compact and victims of crime. She gave her time and talents to ensure the compact’s passage in every state; and, in doing so, she advanced its mission to ensure public safety.


Would you like to nominate an individual for this award? You may do so here.