Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

Displaying 241 - 270 of 343
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2007
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2008
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2009
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2010
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2011
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2012
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2014
Published December 19, 2018 At the request of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision’s (ICAOS) Executive Committee, the following legal analysis has been prepared in order to serve as a resource documenting the legal implications of the…
This on-demand training module provides a brief introduction to the Interstate Commission, its functions and resources available. This module is approximately 10 minutes.
This on-demand training module explains the processes required for transferring supervision to a receiving state. This includes requirements for a transfer request and for reporting instructions for qualifying supervised individuals. This module is…
This on-demand training module discusses supervision responsibilities once a supervised individual's supervision is transferred to a receiving state. The module is approximately 25 minutes
This on-demand training module includes: Retaking & Warrant Overview Discretionary Retaking & Mandatory Retaking
This on-demand training module includes: Violation Reports for Mandatory Retaking Types of Violations Requiring Retaking Documentation Expectations Managing the Retaking Process
This on-demand training module includes: Probable Cause Hearing Overview & Purpose When a Probable Cause Hearing is Required Probable Cause Hearing Requirements Waiver of Probable Cause
Whether a receiving state can reject a transfer if there are warrants or pending charges in the receiving state
Adopting an emergency rule for Massachusetts who had not enacted the Compact
Reporting Instructions – means the orders given to a supervised individual by a sending or receiving state directing the individual to report to a designated person or place, at a specified date and time, in another state. Reporting instructions shall…
Sex Offender – means an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice…
Travel Permit – means the written permission granted to a supervised individual authorizing the travel from one state to another.
Subsequent Receiving State – means a state to which a supervised individual is transferred that is not the sending state or the original receiving state.
Temporary Travel Permit – means, for the purposes of Rule 3.108 (b), the written permission granted to an offender, whose supervision has been designated a “victim–sensitive” matter, to travel outside the supervising state for more than 24 hours but no…
Victim-Sensitive – means a designation made by the sending state in accordance with its definition of “crime victim” under the statutes governing the rights of crime victims in the sending state. The receiving state shall give notice of supervised…
Abscond – means to be absent from the supervised individual’s approved place of residence and employment; and failing to comply with reporting requirements;
Behavior Requiring Retaking – means an act or pattern of non-compliance with conditions of supervision that could not be successfully addressed through the use of documented corrective action or graduated responses and would result in a request for…
Arrival – means to report to the location and officials designated in reporting instructions given to a supervised individual at the time of the supervised individual’s departure from a sending state under an interstate compact transfer of supervision.
Compact – means the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.
(a) A receiving state shall submit a progress report to the sending state within 30 calendar days of receiving a request. (b) A receiving state may initiate a progress report to document compliant or noncompliant behavior for supervised individuals that…
Offender – means an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice…
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2015
ICAOS Advisory Opinions published in 2019
Displaying 241 - 270 of 343