Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

Displaying 391 - 420 of 467
Assigning - this process occurs when the responsibility for a Compact Activity or Case is designated to a PO from either a Supervisor or a Compact Office User. Reassigning - this process occurs when the responsibility for a Compact Activity or Case is…
I have a case that shows up on the 'Cases in Need of Departure Notice' report in ICOTS, but the approved reporting instructions were withdrawn. How can I get this case removed? This is one of several known issues with the 'Cases in Need of…
Before taking any action, be sure to review records!!! MERGE Ensure ALL cases are historical (withdrawn or closed) before initiating a merge.  When approving a merge request, review the record and disapprove if a new active case is created while the merge…
First Time Login Once a state administrator creates your account, you will receive an email and can set up your password.  Note:  This should be completed within 20 minutes of receiving the email.  If after 20 minutes, simply click 'What is my…
Transfer Requests are due within 15 business days after approved reporting instructions (7 business days for 'expedited')  Users are sent an email reminder on the due date.   Use the 'overdue reports' to follow up on cases needing a…
The Cases Processed Report provides a summary of case activities within a defined date range.  Activities include: Case Created Case Accepted Case Rejected Case Closed Case Withdrawn Demonstration Training
A "Direct Reports" section exists in both the "Users" tab and "Edit User Account" profile. Under the "Users" tab, Direct Reports shows all the POs currently reporting to the logged in supervisor, along with the PO…
The filter feature on the Compact Workload allows for filtering by special status which includes registered sex offender, victim sensitive, or history of assault. The filter is located at the top-right of the compact workload. Select the special status…
The Users Tab provides a way for you to view and edit your user and workflow information. Note: Before you can begin the ICOTS process for the very first time you must first go to the Users tab and complete the My Profile information. This is only……  
On June 1, 2022 a new warrant tracking feature launched into ICOTS.   Since launch, the national office has analyzed data creating a new warrant tracking dashboard.  The training will cover how the new dashboard manages warrant entries and how other…
On Wednesday, June 1, 2022 Appriss pushed the code for new ICOTS enhancements to production. The enhancements involve new functionality for tracking warrant status, a new compact activity for discretionary retaking, and changes to the offender management…
Warrant status is a special status that is used to track warrants that are required by ICAOS rules in BOTH historical and non-historical cases.  When a warrant record is active, the profile screen will display the 'Active Warrant' special status…
The Active Cases with Returning RFRI dashboard lists active cases with reporting instructions marked ‘Transferred Offender Returning to Sending State’ in the receiving state (incoming) or sending state (outgoing). It provides departure notice and arrival…
The Case Closure Reply compliance report lists cases in which a closure notice reply was due within the specified date range. The case closure reply due date, case closure reply transmit date and days overdue are included for each case. This report…
Reporting in SiSense (Software used for ICOTS Dashboard Reports) Downloading widgets and dashboards as various file types is useful for sharing your data with stakeholder or including in your reports and presentations.  See More Exporting Widgets You can…
I'm trying to delete an offender from our duplicate report that case no compact cases, but ICOTS gives me an error message that says I'm not allowed to created a delete request for that offender. You will only see this message when you attempt…
Find out why login and password errors are typically associated with internet browser settings. I receive an error logging into ICOTS after I successfully reset my password. What am I doing wrong? There are two likely causes of this issue: 1.) The users…
Progress Reports provide status and supervision updates to the sending state.  Receiving states should submit detailed Progress Reports regularly and within 30 calendar days when requested by the sending state.  See Rule 4.106 Use Progress Reports to…
Scenario 1: Parolee transfer Texas to California A Texas soon to be parolee, Jaime Moore, requests transfer to California upon release. He has been working with his release coordinator in hopes to have his transfer approved at the time of release. There,…
The Case Closure Reason provides a tool to address training issues related and statistics and information such as: Filter and compare closure reasons by successful discharges, retaking, etc. Assess why closures sent by your state were invalidated to…
The intended departure date assists in managing Notice of Departures as well as useful for receiving states trying to determine a date to report when responded to reporting instructions request or a transfer request.   The intended Arrival/Departure Date…
The 'Tolling' indicator, utilized and managed by a sending state, illustrates a case is placed in "Tolling" status by the sending state's sentencing authority. Sending states must ensure the supervision end date is always a future…
On September 29, 2021, the Commission approved several Rule Amendments and ICOTS enhancements to be implemented on April 1, 2022.  ICOTS Enhancements supplementing these rules launch June 1, 2022.  Details can be accessed on the ABM archive page.…
What is User Administration? With an average of 30,000 active ICOTS users at any given time, each state is responsible for user administration and user ICOTS training.  In FY2019, the Commission conducted an audit to ensure states have adopted and…
The Rules Training PowerPoint provides comprehensive information on the interstate compact in the various areas noted below.    Overview of the Compact Eligibility for Transfer Transfer Process/Investigation Supervision in the Receiving State/Closing a…
The following holidays are not considered Business Days when calculating compliance on the ICAOS Dashboards.   Please note, Due Dates listed on the Compact Workload within ICOTS do not always consider holidays so for official compliance measures, be sure…
ICOTS is a tool used to process Interstate Compact business, track offender movement and facilitate communication between states on Compact cases. ICOTS is not designed to replace a state’s offender or case management system. Once submitted, ALL data is…
The 'Rejected Cases Requiring Action Report' provides a list of cases in which the latest status is ‘rejected’ and is still ‘open’ in ICOTS (non-historical.)  There are 2 separate lists that generate from that report.   Each case will need to be…
The Requested Progress Report Dashboard lists cases in which a requested progress report was due within the specified date range. The progress report due date, progress report transmit date and days overdue are included for each case.  The report can be…
Displaying 391 - 420 of 467