Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

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The Rejected Cases Never Transferred lists all current rejected compact cases where the offender never arrived in the receiving state. The dashboard includes information on state, offender ID, compact case number, offender name, sending state, receiving…
All times associated with compact activity histories are listed in the 24 hour format and based on Eastern Standard Time.
Is there a way to withdraw a notice of departure? ICOTS doesn't show the withdraw button. The offender didn't leave and receiving state doesn't want to do the arrival notice. Some compact activities like departure notices and arrival…
The function to withdraw an entire case is separate from the function to withdraw an individual activity.  Both actions are completed from the Compact Cases Tab of the offender's profile.   Withdrawing Cases and Individual Activities Managed…
The Overdue Transfer Request Reply Report lists all compact cases in the receiving state (or from the sending state) that have a Transfer Reply overdue as of the last data upload. Case details include sending state, receiving state, probation, parole,…
The Transfer Reply Due Dates Report lists all compact cases in the receiving state that have a Transfer Reply due within the selected date range of the last data upload. Case details include sending state, receiving state, probation, parole, receiving…
Administrators exclude offenders from the public web portal via the offender management tab.  The offender profile will display "Confidential Record" in large red letters under the offender photo area.  To remove the 'confidential'…
Upon selecting "Notice of Arrival" either from the Assistants tab or the offender profile, the user will be asked if the offender arrived in the receiving state. If the user selects "No", they will be directed to the Notice of Failure…
The Offenders Awaiting Retaking report lists active cases in the receiving state with a violation report requiring retaking (mandatory) and availability marked as ‘Yes.’ It includes relevant transmission dates and information such as latest violation…
Due to the differences in workflow and activity processing in ICOTS, states have requested that we publish a list of the states that are configured as split in ICOTS. This means there is an independent and separate workflow for probation and parole ICOTS…
Offender Search Screen Users can search by ICOTS Case or Offender number as well as by using demographic information.  Using more identifiers in a demographic search, provides more accurate results. Identifiers should include the DOB (all known,) FBI…
This happens a lot with scanned and uploaded documents. Some scanned documents that are saved to PDF, don't adhere to the document format standards for PDFs. This causes the program that compiles all the PDFs into one document to throw an error. The…
The Offenders Retaking then Retransferred report lists offenders to/from the sending state with prior cases closed by reason ‘retaken’ with a subsequent approved case transferred in ICOTS. This report serves as an analysis tool to determine whether…
To allow for additional activities or requests, rejections to transfer requests and/or denial of reporting instructions do not deactivate cases. The sending state must withdraw the case from the offender profile screen to remove the cases from the active…
Retaking Management Data report provides both snapshot data regarding current active warrants and offenders awaiting retaking as well as date range data for the numbers of offenders retaken and those retaken, then retransferred.  The data provided pulls…
Important! Duplicates and Junk records must be reported to your State Administrator within 5 business days of creation.  Failure to do so is a violation of the ICOTS Privacy Policy.  Only add new records after confirming the individual does not have an…
Compact Action Request Workflow Link CARs to Compact Activities Users must select a CAR specialization or link it to a specific compact activity.  If the user selects "Link to Compact Activity", another drop down appears listing the available…
The Return in Lieu of Retaking report lists active cases in the receiving state with a violation requiring retake and a violation response ordering the offender to return. Charts distinguish cases between those with or without a transmitted returning RFRI…
ICOTS accepts the following document file formats when uploading an attachment to a compact activity: DOC (Microsoft Word) DOCX (Microsoft Word 2007-2010) RTF (rich text format) TXT (text file) PDF (Adobe portable document format) ICOTS attempts to…
Why am I receiving email notifications about CARs submitted on a case that's closed in ICOTS? These email notifications are valid. CARs can be submitted on historical cases. This functionality was included in ICOTS so users could communicate about a…
  The Warrant Tracking Dashboard tracks warrant status entries and provides an audit tool for managing compact compliant warrants.   This dashboard tracks: Status of warrant entries Timeline of warrant entries Compact activity trigger for warrant entries…
The Rejected Cases Returning vs Awaiting New Transfer report lists incoming/outgoing rejected cases where an offender is in the receiving state with approved RIs and has a rejected transfer request. Cases are distinguished by whether an offender is…
The progress report workflow is managed with review in the receiving state prior to transmission.  Upon transmission by the receiving state's compact office, the workflow stops and all interested parties in the sending state receive simultaneous…
View the demonstration of the Progress Report  
The Transfer Decision Dashboard (Summary & Detailed) provides an analysis tool for monitoring acceptance rates.  This report identifies areas for process improvement, training and corrective action needs. Outgoing Cases:  Identify users with…
ICAOS Rule 4.106 requires the receiving state to submit a progress report within 30 calendar days of request.  For all cases considered active, ICOTS generates reminders and facilitates due dates to assist states with compliance of this rule.      Q: The…
View the demonstration of the Case Closure Notice  
Request for Reporting Instructions When the user selects the receiving state, only those cases between the sending state and selected receiving state will be displayed to choose from.  The new RFRI and compact case will already have the offender…
The Discretionary Retaking activity communicates the Sending State’s intent to Retake under Rule 5.101 (b) ‘retake an offender via warrant’  Returns invoked under Rule 5.101 (a) use return reporting instructions. Activity Workflow The Discretionary…
Offender Violation Report transmitted by a Receiving State Response to OVR due in 10 business days of receipt in Sending State Addendum to Offender Violation Report transmitted by the Receiving State If sent PRIOR to original response, workflow merges…
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