Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

Displaying 31 - 60 of 110
I. Authority The Executive Committee is vested with the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session. The Executive Committee oversees the day-to-day activities managed by the…
I. Overview For this policy, the definition of a survey is the gathering of information through questionnaires, interviews, etc., to make inferences about a sample, population, or process. The ICAOS national office serves as the Commission’s survey…
I. Authorization Article I of the ICAOS BYLAWS provides that, the Commission “is established to fulfill the objectives of the Compact” through “the promulgation of binding rules and operating procedures” governing “oversight and coordination of offender…
Privacy Policy Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System Version 5.0   Approved 04/23/2009 Revised on 3/20/2024   1.0 Statement of Purpose The goal of establishing and maintaining the ICOTS is to further the following purposes of the Commission:…
Resident – means a person who has resided in a state for at least 1 year continuously and immediately prior to either the supervision start date or sentence date for the original offense for which transfer is being requested; and intends that such state…
Whether offenders sentenced to home detention programs are eligible for transfer under the Compact
Transfers are classified into two categories, (1) mandatory acceptance and (2) discretionary acceptance. The authority to transfer a supervised individual to another state lies solely with the sending state. See Rule 3.101. The supervised individual does…
I. Authority The Executive Committee is vested with the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session. The Executive Committee oversees the day-to-day activities managed by the…
I. Authority The Executive Committee is vested with the power to adopt a policy on behalf of the Interstate Commission during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session. The Executive Committee oversees the day-to-day activities managed by…
I. Mission To provide an independent, objective assurance that there is adherence to Commission rules, policies, and procedures. II. Objectives The objective of the ICAOS Compliance Audit Program is to provide independent assurance to the Commission that…
Adopting an emergency rule for Massachusetts who had not enacted the Compact
Authority to issue travel permits
If the hearing officer determines that probable cause exists and the supervised individual has committed the alleged violations, the receiving state may detain the individual in custody pending the outcome of decisions in the sending state. Within 15…
Published November 1, 2013 The ICAOS Executive Committee has requested this ‘white paper’ resulting from several recent cases in which courts, prosecuting attorneys, and probation and parole officers have apparently lacked awareness or ignored the…
Whether an offender granted a conditional pardon and moved to a secure treatment facility is eligible for transfer under the Compact
Whether a California statute classifying offenders as not subject to supervision or revocation are eligible for transfer under the Compact
Whether offenders subject to Washington’s “deferred prosecution” statute are eligible for transfer under the Compact
Individuals and sex offenders subject to lifetime supervision (CSL)
Whether the second or subsequent misdemeanor DUI meets ICAOS eligibility
Effect of New Jersey statute on acquitted persons by reason of insanity
Whether an offender subject to a deferred sentence is eligible for transfer under the Compact
Whether an undocumented immigrant is subject to the Compact
The effect of a Washington statute that prohibits certain offenders from being under supervision
Whether offenders who seek to reside in federal housing are eligible for transfer under the Compact
Whether a receiving state can reject a transfer if there are warrants or pending charges in the receiving state
Whether sex offenders can travel out of state once they are transferred to a receiving state
Whether a sending state can close interest in a case if the offender's status no longer qualifies under the definition of supervision
Whether a receiving state can exceed the 45 day rule to determine if a supervision plan is valid for sex offenders
Whether a sending state may request an investigation prior to the offender’s release from incarceration
Whether receiving states can denying reporting instructions based on an invalid plan of supervision
Displaying 31 - 60 of 110