Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

Displaying 31 - 60 of 112
Transferring Supervision to the Receiving State These training tools and resources discuss requirements and processes for transferring supervision of an offender to another state.  -Transfer Request Requirements -Investigation Period -Requesting Reporting…
Compact Office Staff Training Last Updated April 26, 2021 These training tools and resources are specific to Compact Office Staff discussing how to operationalize the ICAOS rules when training stakeholders. Compact Staff Training-ICOTS email bounces-What…
Interstate Compact training results in better supervision management and increased public safety. Every jurisdiction, including courts, parole boards and community corrections are subject to the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision’s rules.…
Reporting Violations & Retaking These training tools and resources discuss requirements and processes for reporting violations and retaking offenders. PowerPoint Presentation 104 Reporting Behavior Requiring Retaking 105 Mandatory Retaking for New…
Supervision in the Receiving State These training tools and resources discuss requirements and processes for offenders supervised in another state under the Interstate Compact Requirements. -Victim's Rights & Notification -Supervision…
The Case Closure Reason provides a tool to address training issues related and statistics and information such as: Filter and compare closure reasons by successful discharges, retaking, etc. Assess why closures sent by your state were invalidated to…
Please provide comments (must be logged in using your ICAOS credentials) regarding what you would like to learn as a state administrator for training records hosted on ICAOS's new Learning Management System.  This will assist in training efforts for…
APPA Winter Institute February 2, 2022:  The Commission presented at the American Probation and Parole Association Winter Training Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. There, community supervision and judicial professionals learned how the Interstate Compact…
The Privacy Policy available for review is posted on the ICAOS website. The Electronic End User Agreement requires users to acknowledge they have read and agree to the ICOTS Privacy Policy.  States are still responsible for training on ICAOS Rules, ICOTS…
The ICOTS User report lists all ICOTS users with information on state, role, supervisor, supervisor email, active status, workflow status, created date and last login date. Charts give a breakdown of user accounts requiring attention, number of active…
The Offenders Awaiting Retaking report lists active cases in the receiving state with a violation report requiring retaking (mandatory) and availability marked as ‘Yes.’ It includes relevant transmission dates and information such as latest violation…
The ICOTS warrant tracking tool launched June 2022 allows sending states to track warrants within ICOTS during retaking process or after report of an absconder. This session will review the Warrant Status Dashboard (launched in July 2022) as well as other…
In November 2020, the Commission will transition to a new Learning Management System.  In preparation, the follow resources will assist those with state administrator access to export any SCORM data/achievements from the current system (utilized since…
What is a 'participant' for the DCA Mentoring Program? The DCA "Participant" is either a new appointed Deputy Compact Administrator or is recommended to the DCA Mentoring Program by his or her Commissioner to request assistance in…
Anytime a receiving state user is unable to create a case closure due to a 'lack of a primary address' identify the supervising state and request an address be entered into the offender's profile.  This action will resolve the error. See…
  ICOTS Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome   ICAOS Dashboards Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome   ICAOS OnDemand Trainings The latest release of each of the latest two supported major versions of: Desktop browsers: Google Chrome…
ICOTS 7.0 code release is in production on October 21, 2009 and resolves the development items described below: ICOTS Reports Report parameters are correct and descriptions for each report are available. To ensure the correct layout and format for the…
What is the DCA Success Program? The DCA Success Program provides coaching and training for new DCAs as well as provides assistance to DCAs needing to resolve compliance issues in their state. Objectives and goals for program: Employ a group mentoring…
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Appriss pushed the third and final batch of training help points to ICOTS. As described in the announcements for the first and second batches, the ICOTS Help Points were designed to replace and improve upon the ICOTS User…
On June 1, 2022 a new warrant tracking feature launched into ICOTS.   Since launch, the national office has analyzed data creating a new warrant tracking dashboard.  The training will cover how the new dashboard manages warrant entries and how other…
The Cases Processed Report provides a summary of case activities within a defined date range.  Activities include: Case Created Case Accepted Case Rejected Case Closed Case Withdrawn Demonstration Training
The Future of ICAOS, The Next 20 Years On January 24th, the Commission presented at the American Probation and Parole Association Winter Training Institute in Columbus, Ohio. There, community supervision and judicial professionals learned the general…
The Last Activity Report ensures regular communication when ICOTS cases are active.  The report lists the last transmitted compact activity on active incoming/outgoing cases. The dashboard can be filtered on supervision type, activity type, or receiving…
The Transfer Decision Dashboard (Summary & Detailed) provides an analysis tool for monitoring acceptance rates.  This report identifies areas for process improvement, training and corrective action needs. Outgoing Cases:  Identify users with…
The Return in Lieu of Retaking report lists active cases in the receiving state with a violation requiring retake and a violation response ordering the offender to return. Charts distinguish cases between those with or without a transmitted returning RFRI…
The Supervision End Dates report lists all active offenders in the receiving state with a supervision end date in the selected date range. An offender is considered active with an accepted transfer case with a transmitted notice of arrival in the…
The Arrival Notice after Departure Notice lists cases with a Notice of Departure transmitted to the receiving state within the date range set for the filter "Date NOD Sent". The report can be filtered on supervision type, case status (active or…
The Victim Notification Activities report provides a tool for sending states to ensure they adhere to Rule 3.108-1 and other activities sent through ICOTS that may warrant victim notification in accordance with laws and procedures in a sending state. …
The Active Cases with Returning RFRI dashboard lists active cases with reporting instructions marked ‘Transferred Offender Returning to Sending State’ in the receiving state (incoming) or sending state (outgoing). It provides departure notice and arrival…
State Council Resources By statute, every Compact member state is required to establish a state council. This advisory body of state policy makers and experts exercise oversight and advocacy concerning operations and procedures of the Compact.…
Displaying 31 - 60 of 112