Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

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The courts have defined the relationship between the sending state and receiving state officials as an agency relationship. Courts recognize that in supervising out-of-state supervised individuals the receiving state acts on behalf of and as an agent of…
Notwithstanding any other rule, a sentence imposing a period of incarceration on a supervised individual convicted of a new crime which occurred outside the sending state during the compact period may satisfy or partially satisfy the sentence imposed by…
Retaking - means the act of a sending state physically removing or causing to have a supervised individual removed, from a receiving state.
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