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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo

Nominated: Deborah Duke / Tennessee and P&P Staff - January 10, 2019

Ms. Duke responded promptly to a request from Virginia to consider approving Reporting Instructions or expedited investigation of the transfer request for an elderly Tennessee resident offender who had been granted parole by Virginia and could be released before Christmas. There had been confusion about his parole status and release date on the Virginia side that caused his Transfer Request to not be submitted early enough to have a reply before his earliest possible release date. Ms. Duke granted discretionary reporting instructions and the Tennessee field office expedited and approved the transfer investigation within 1 day of the request. The offender, his family, the re-entry staff, and our unit are extremely grateful to Ms. Duke and the Tennessee P&P staff for their willingness to go above and beyond during the busy pre-holiday time. Thank you so much for always being willing to help.

Submitted by: Deputy Compact Administrator Julie Lohman / Virginia