Past Spirit of the Compact Recognitions


Assistant Interstate Compact Coordinator
The reason why I am nominating Kristina Ruggerio is because for one she is very professional, knowledgeable, and a leader in my department. She is the one who responds to all our emails and assists our field with help when needed. She has 10 years plus experience within the ICOTS department. I believe she will be an extraordinary coordinator in the near future.
When I started 2 years ago, I learned what I know now. When I had difficulty, she was very helpful and now I am more confident as a compact coordinator.
Nominated By: Themar Dumay
Program Coordinator
Jason is extremely helpful in training new ICOTS staff and in giving 100% to ensure the Spirit of the Compact. He works with parole staff at the field level to make sure that they understand the rules and the procedures to establish a smooth process for ICOTS parolees. He frequently reaches out to staff to ask if they are in need of assistance and willingly helps when this is the case. He is knowledgeable about where to find information and what information to include and he readily jumps in when needed to complete a task.
Nominated By: Thomas Creamer
Administrative Specialist
Michael Harrison has been integral part of the Delaware Interstate Compact Office for over 15 years. His vast knowledge and experience with the ICAOS rules have made him uniquely suited to assist Delaware Probation/Parole Officer and Staff members throughout the state. This has made him the "go to" person when Officers have questions regarding the Interstate Compact. He has worked closely with Officers and Staff to correct mistakes in ICOTS, provide guidance on interstate questions, assist with transfers, and help with VOP and progress reports. Michael Harrison has worked tirelessly to keep the Delaware ICAOS Audit compliance rate extremely high. He has done this through teamwork with Officers by reminding them of the due dates and ensuring that the tasks are completed on time. Mike Harrison has fostered a good relationship with his counterparts in other states through his ability to work with other states to find a solution when issues arise with their cases or Delaware cases. Through these actions Michael Harrison has contributed significantly to the Commission's mission here in Delaware and has been an asset to the Interstate Compact Unit as well as the Department of Correction.
Nominated By: Christopher DeNunzio
ISC Administrative Assistant II

Gracie is instrumental in ensuring the AZ Community Corrections ISC unit is in
compliance with the timeframes within ICAOS Rules by reviewing the Action Reports in the ICAOS system. Gracie will send out notices to the States where an action is required on an ISC transferred offender. Gracie ensures this is completed on a weekly basis. By doing so, this ensures AZ Community Corrections is within timeframes, set by ICAOS. Gracie along with DCA Poyzer, has also helped to update our tracking system from Microsoft
Excel to Google Sheets. This has not been an easy task, as we have been telecommuting from home due to Covid-19, and
while updating the system there are changes that must be continuously monitored and updated. Gracie has continued to take responsibility, and is a
contributing team member who ensures the goals of the unit and ADCRR are met on a daily basis. Gracie has accepted additional duties to ensure that tasks are completed in a timelier manner. She has solely taken on the task of updating our tracking systems for the IADs, and Google Sheets which is a system that thus far is continuing to change depending on the needs of ISC, and the direction of our DCA. By doing this, it will also allow the ISC unit to maintain our logs in a more effective manner. Gracie continues to ensure the IAD process has been completed, a final disposition is obtained, and destroy the files that are no longer active. Gracie always ensures the TR packets submitted from the private facilities are accurate and complete prior to entering them into ICOTS within time frames. Gracie’s dedication to the job is well respected, appreciated, and it should be noted that Gracie has been completing these tasks for ISC for over 17 yrs.
Nominated By: Michael R Osborne
Community Reentry Officer (Parole Officer)
Javier respectfully listens to others to gain a full understanding of issues. He will ask
questions for clarification if he is unsure as to how to proceed with a task or project. When interacting with institutional staff he ensures they have a clear understanding as to what is needed to complete any task or project. Javier has no problem with conveying his thoughts, ideas, and concepts in his verbal and written communications. . This is a task that has been very difficult at times due to the Covid19 Pandemic, and our telecommuting from home. Javier understands that all employees have external and/or internal
customers and stakeholders and that they provide services and information that honors all of the agency's commitments to
customers by providing helpful, courteous, accessible, responsive, and knowledgeable service. Javier's 41 plus years of experience comes to light in this
area. With Javier's Customer Service Expertise, and his outstanding investigative practices, he has been able to contact sponsor's of offender's who have Absconded, and gained information in an effort to track down the offender's and bring them back into compliance without issuing a warrant. Javier's knowledge of ADC protocols, and investigative practices are a valuable tool for the ISC Unit.
Nominated By: Michael R Osborne
Probation Officer
Micaela recently started supervising interstate compact cases in Cleveland, Ohio, after the previous officer left for another position. Micaela immediately immersed herself in training opportunities offered by State of Ohio staff to quickly become a subject matter expert in Ohio. Micaela worked within her office to work on an agreement to supervise all interstate cases for the court. In a county where there are over 30 presiding judges, this can be challenging when there is not always a strong understanding of the compact rules and regulations.

Micaela recently had a case that involved a mandatory retaking obligation due to a new felony conviction from the State of Oregon. The violation on the Ohio case would not exceed the new sentence in the receiving state. While not a practice that is heavily utilized in Ohio, Micaela worked diligently to schedule a remote violation hearing with the judge and prosecutor, as the supervised individual also had an obligation with another state this offered the opportunity for this individual to address his violation behavior quickly and effectively from one of the jurisdictions that he owed time to. Micaela looks at cases from the standpoint of not only effective supervision strategies but also in a way that provides the best outcome for the individual and the states that are involved.

As Micaela works in the most populated county in the State of Ohio, she has worked tirelessly to identify gaps in her probation department and court system regarding non-compliance of interstate compact rules and opportunities to educate on the processes. Micaela has been offered space at one of the judges' monthly meetings to discuss interstate compact topics, which is no small feat. Micaela is not afraid to have difficult conversations with involved court personnel when compliance issues arise.

Micaela truly embodies the spirit of the compact as she works diligently to provide effective supervision and works with all involved stakeholders. Micaela recently assisted Ohio Parole staff in scheduling a PC hearing at Cuyahoga County Jail via Zoom. In person hearings have been eliminated since COVID at this facility so it has been a struggle when a PC hearing has been required at this location. Micaela did not have to assist in any way with this hearing as this was being supervised by parole but not only did she have communications with jail staff, she personally scheduled this hearing for parole.

I could go on and on about the great work that Micaela does; however, her actions definitely speak for themselves. She constantly goes above and beyond to assist others and works to provide those under her supervision the best chance for success.
Nominated By: Suzanne Brooks
Parole Supervisor
Parole Supervisor Timothy Diakon has been assigned to the Interstate Unit within the Connecticut Board of Pardons & Paroles for over 15 years. He first entered the unit as a Parole Officer and was promoted to Parole Supervisor of the unit 3 years ago. During his tenure in the unit, he has gone above and beyond in his duties. As a Parole Officer, he participated in a "Lean Project" for the Interstate process in Connecticut, which explored ways to make the overall process more efficient. The "Lean Project" was part of the former Governor of Connecticut's initiative to streamline procedures throughout all state agencies. As a subject matter expert during this project, he offered valuable solutions which led to major changes to the overall process. Prior to this project, all supervising field Parole Officers and Parole Supervisors had accounts in ICOTS, which led to overdue responses and lower overall audit numbers. It became apparent during the project that it would be more efficient to only have members of the Interstate Unit have access to ICOTS to improve response times. Mr. Diakon was one of the strong voices at that time for that change to be implemented. After the project was completed, a report that included this major change was submitted to the Chairperson and to the Commissioner of the Department of Correction. Soon after, this new process was implemented. The CT Interstate office then took over the entire responsibility of communication in ICOTS and decreased the number of users on the ICOTS system from over 120 employees to 5. Immediately upon implementation, Connecticut's audit numbers have been near or at the top of the country for the past 12-13 years.

From his first day in the unit as a Parole Officer in 2009, he understood the importance of the "The Spirit of the Compact". He obviously always followed the ICAOS rules, but when unique situations arose that required tough decisions to be made he always investigated ways with all stakeholders in the case to make the best decision for the supervised person and their families while keeping public safety in mind. He has also taken great pride in communicating and working hand and hand with the supervised persons family to ensure that their transfer is seamless from state to state. He also instituted the practice in Connecticut of providing transportation to the supervised person who needed a ride to the airport, bus or train station when necessary if they had no other options. I personally had the pleasure of participating in extraditions with Mr. Diakon on many occasions. No matter the circumstances of the violation or the history of the supervised person, he treated them and their families with the utmost respect. As the Supervisor of the unit, when different interpretations of a particular rule have arisen with other states he has shown time and time again that he is more than capable of finding a solution prior to it getting to the DCA level. When he was promoted to Supervisor he initiated many meetings with the field staff in Connecticut explaining the rules of the interstate compact and the importance of the "Spirit of the Compact" and what that means. He has also stressed to newer members of the unit of the importance of the spirit of the compact, which will carry on for years to come. He has been a valued and well respected employee in our agency for many years and has reflected the true meaning of the spirit of the interstate compact.

If you need any additional information please feel free to contact me at (203) 509-9157. Thank you.
Nominated By: Joseph Garibaldi
Lead Agent/Interstate Compact Unit
Lead Agent Julie Socia consistently goes above and beyond her job duties. Lead Agent Socia is actively involved in every area of the Interstate Process. She is constantly in communication with other States to accommodate their requests and to make sure that Michigan is providing quality reports to other states. Her work product is beyond reproach always going the extra mile researching solutions to any difficult problem and coming up with creative solutions to address any issue.
Lead Agent Socia is constantly training Michigan Agents and Supervisors via phone, email, Microsoft TEAMS and in person. Lead Agent Socia shows professionalism in all of her interactions with all stakeholders and has impeccable character and integrity. Michigan's bordering States, who have frequent contact with Lead Agent Socia, confirm her professionalism, willingness to address issues and speed with which she responds to requests. Lead Agent Socia cares deeply about her work being completed with detail and precision. She is a great asset to the Interstate Compact Unit, the Michigan Department of Corrections and the Interstate Community.
Nominated By: Daryn E Cobb
Correctional Programs Administrator
I am honored to nominate Correctional Program Administrator Chris Lane for the Spirit of the Compact Award. With over two decades of dedicated service at the Florida Department of Corrections, Mr. Lane has consistently demonstrated exceptional commitment, compassion, and professionalism in his role at the Interstate Compact Office. He has served 18 years in a leadership position and has touched countless lives throughout his career. He has provided unwavering support to the staff and has served those under supervision with respect and compassion while ensuring public safety.

Throughout his career, Mr. Lane's contributions have been nothing short of extraordinary. His day-to-day functions involve providing vital support to field operations, and his value to the department is evident in the numerous stories and accolades shared by line staff and leadership. Colleagues consistently commend Mr. Lane for his willingness to assist and his unwavering positive attitude.

Mr. Lane's exemplary dedication and compassion were evident in a recent case involving a homeless individual under supervision awaiting reporting instructions. Despite the complexities involved, Mr. Lane secured a travel permit, ensuring temporary shelter and stability during a vulnerable time. His commitment to addressing immediate needs and navigating legal hurdles sets a remarkable standard for service within the department.

In a similar case, Mr. Lane's assisted a homeless individual facing housing challenges. Despite initial obstacles, he continued to look for a solution, ultimately securing approval for the individual to relocate to New York. In both instances the individuals are now in a stable residence and are in full compliance with the terms of supervision.

In another instance, Mr. Lane's quick thinking and dedication played a crucial role in apprehending a dangerous criminal. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, he worked tirelessly to expedite the issuance of a warrant, resulting in the swift arrest of the individual. Mr. Lane's actions exemplify his unwavering commitment to keeping the public safe.

Additionally, Mr. Lane demonstrated exceptional empathy and problem-solving skills in assisting an officer obtain proof of an individual's completion of DUI School. His supportive approach resulted in the successful submission of the necessary documentation, helping the individual avoid further legal complications. These efforts resulted in the individual completing supervision successfully.

These are just a few examples of the ways in which Mr. Lane consistently goes above and beyond in his role. Although these examples of his exemplary work may appear to be expected and routine, they are the ways Mr. Lane touches the lives of those under supervision. He consistently demonstrates this level of dedication and has changed the trajectory of the lives of those with whom he works with daily.

In his leadership role, Mr. Lane has been essential in collaborating with the Commissioner and Deputy Compact Administrator to revive a State Council that had been inactive for over 20 years. With his assistance, the State Council has become highly engaged, introducing new initiatives such as an application fee and a mechanism for partially reimbursing Sheriff's Departments involved in extraditing individuals back to Florida. Since July 2022, Florida has collected over $640,000 in application fees and provided reimbursements to Sheriffs across the state through 146 approved requests.

However, what truly sets Mr. Lane apart is the immense admiration he receives from field staff. During a recent Supervisor Leadership Graduation, approximately 35 elite Supervisors toured Central Office where the Interstate Compact Office is located. Throughout the tour, they repeatedly expressed a desire to meet Mr. Lane. They regard him as a rock star and eagerly awaited meeting him in person and thank him for his support. In addition, compact staff across the nation regard Mr. Lane with gratitude and respect. He works with the other states sorting difficult situations, always working within the spirit of the compact.

Below are comments from the field.

“Chris Lane defines teamwork as he assists all Community Corrections staff within the agency. There have been several times when I have needed assistance and he doesn’t hesitate to help. Recently, Mr. Lane assisted by facilitating an expedited request for emergency reporting instructions to the state of Maine. Had it not been for his intervention, this offender would have been sleeping on the streets in Collier County.

Mr. Lane is also a wealth of information and is quick to return calls and emails, seeking his expert direction and guidance. Last week, he assisted with a case where a jail sanction was being imposed for a VOP. Without hesitation, Mr. Lane contacted the other state and within one day, we had our answer. Over the years, Mr. Lane has taught me so much about Interstate Compact policies. He is not only great to work with, but a wonderful person to speak to. He is very much appreciated. FDC is very lucky to have him.”

“Mr. Lane is our go- to person for Interstate Compact. He is the one person you can always count on to assist you in getting clarification or seeking direction on how to handle anything related to ICOTS. In one case I recall, the Jacksonville South office had been trying to get the circumstances for and they were not getting the true circumstances, merely a police report which stated the charge she was arrested for with no circumstances. After reaching out to him we had the real circumstances within 24 hours. This is the norm not the exception when working with Mr. Lane.”

“I think everyone in the state will agree when they think of Interstate Compact, they think of Chris Lane. I know when I was both an officer and field supervisor, he was the first person I would call with an Interstate question. He not only was quick to assist, he ALWAYS KNEW THE ANSWER!!!!! He would be most deserving of any award he is being considered for.”

For these reasons, I respectfully nominate Chris Lane for the Spirit of the Compact Award. His remarkable dedication, compassion, and leadership embody the spirit of the Compact and serve as an inspiration to all who have the privilege of working alongside him.

Nominated By: Joe Winkler
Chief Probation Officer
On behalf of Connecticut Adult Probation, I nominate compact office staff member, Chief Probation Officer William Neuweiler, for the ‘Spirit of the Compact’ award.

In 2012, Connecticut needed to expand the Interstate Compact office. At that time, William transferred to the office as the first probation officer to be a part of the Compact staff. William began immersing himself in understanding the Compact rules and learning how to navigate Compact activities, but more so, began to understand the unspoken language of the ‘Spirit of the Compact’.

When Connecticut fell out of compliance with violation activity, William developed a system on how to track/respond to violation activity. His system allowed for working directly with field staff to ensure warrants were completed and entered promptly. This system would get Connecticut back into compliance long before dashboards were available.

In 2023, the Interstate Compact office expanded to include the position of Chief Probation Officer I, which was awarded to William as he consistently went above and beyond demonstrating remarkable effort and dedication to the compact. His commitment to understanding not just the rules, but the ‘spirit’ of such, made William an easy choice for the position. William always conducts his work in the best interest of the supervised individual, allowing them to have the best chance of success while on probation. He believes in doing things for the right reasons, within the compact.

Given William’s length of time with the Interstate Compact office, he has built relationships with many states' compact office staff and works through various problems, coming up with the best solution for the given scenario. In addition, William demonstrates and passes along his knowledge of the Compact to field staff making him a key point of contact for Connecticut. Field staff know they can reach out to William at any time to understand and navigate the Compact, inspiring them to be on board in helping the supervised individual be where they will have the most success.

William embraces the Interstate Compact, why it was established, and what it is meant to do, not only for tracking purposes but for getting supervised individuals to where they need to be successful. He breathes the true meaning of the ‘Spirit of the Compact’.
Nominated By: Alexandra Modica
Corrections Field Supervisor
When the announcement was made that the Spirit of the Compact award had been revitalized, both the Commissioner and the Deputy Compact Administrator from Wisconsin immediately thought of Jerri Hertel, an Interstate Compact Specialist and Correctional Field Supervisor in a border county with Minnesota. Jerri has been an Interstate Compact Specialist for eight years, but has worked closely with Interstate Compact supervised individuals and offices during her long tenure with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections as a Probation and Parole Agent, even before specializing as an Interstate Compact Specialist.
Jerri exemplifies the collaborative nature of the Compact, and goes above and beyond in her efforts to assist, support, and engage with her colleagues and clients. She is always the first to step up when coverage is needed across the entire state, even going so far as to offer without hesitation to take over a significant portion of the Deputy Compact Administrator’s work duties while she is out on maternity leave to ensure a seamless transition and workflow between states. In addition to being a go-to person for anyone at the WI Department of Corrections, Jerri has fostered relationships with external stakeholders including judges and other court personnel, county leaders, and numerous other justice partners to ensure the Compact rules are being understood and adhered to ensure victim and public safety and success for our clients.
When presented with unique challenges posed by specific cases or Interstate Compact issues, Jerri meets them head on. She offers to sit on workgroups, takes initiative in systems improvements, and creates resources for Wisconsin stakeholders. Her experience and expertise have proved invaluable in updating Wisconsin’s procedural manual and magistrate manual, as well as creating internal policies surrounding Probable Cause Hearings, the custody of Interstate Compact clients, and Deferred Prosecution cases. Her efforts have assisted in increasing our state’s compliance and the understanding of Compact-related expectations for field staff and supervised individuals. In addition, she played an integral role in streamlining Wisconsin’s process for Probable Cause hearings for Compact cases.
As an Interstate Compact Specialist and Corrections Field Supervisor, Jerri leads by example. Her influence extends far beyond the boundaries of her region, as she volunteers to train staff across the state, and guides agents, new Specialists, and even Compact Office staff when needed. When input from the field is needed by our Compact Office, no one hesitates to call Jerri for guidance, regardless of the region of concern. She tackles issues at a field level to prevent them from escalating to a Compact Office level, and does so with respect and extreme patience for both field staff and supervised individuals. A Commissioner from another state once commented on how amazing Jerri is to work with, and Wisconsin could not agree more. She exemplifies the Spirit of the Compact every day through her ongoing dedication to ensuring public and victim safety, as well as success on supervision. She goes above and beyond without being asked, and our Interstate Compact commission is fortunate that she is part of our team.
Nominated By: Joselyn Lopez
PA II Supervisor
Truesee is amazing to work with. She always willing to help with a resolution for a client whenever we reach out to CA for assistance. She is knowledgeable and very fair in her approach. Her common sense and civility when working on issues is very much appreciated and we value her and CA team. We love having CA as a neighbor and that is large part due to the style of leadership and the approach Truesee takes when faced with any issue. Ruby McClorey Oregon Interstate Compact
Nominated By: ruby mcclorey