Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

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Abscond – means to be absent from the supervised individual’s approved place of residence and employment; and failing to comply with reporting requirements;
This on-demand training module includes: Probable Cause Hearing Overview & Purpose When a Probable Cause Hearing is Required Probable Cause Hearing Requirements Waiver of Probable Cause
Whether an offender is subject to retaking under the compact if a receiving state closes interest in a case pursuant to rule 4.112
Upon receiving a violation report for an absconding supervised individual, the sending state must issue a national arrest warrant once notified of the individual's absconding status. If the absconding individual is apprehended in the receiving state, the…
Published November 1, 2013 The ICAOS Executive Committee has requested this ‘white paper’ resulting from several recent cases in which courts, prosecuting attorneys, and probation and parole officers have apparently lacked awareness or ignored the…
(a) If there is reasonable suspicion that a supervised individual has absconded, the receiving state shall attempt to locate the individual. Such activities shall include, but are not limited to: Documenting communication attempts directly to the…
(a) Within 15 business days of receipt of an absconder violation report and case closure, the sending state shall issue a warrant and, upon apprehension, file a detainer with the holding facility where the supervised individual is in custody. (b) If a …
ICAOS Rules 4.111 and 5.103 also require sending states to issue nationwide arrest warrants for absconders who fail to return to the sending state in no less than fifteen (15) business days. Warrant requirements apply to supervised individuals who fail to…
A supervised individual who absconds from a receiving state is a fugitive from justice. The procedures for returning a fugitive to a demanding state can be affected by the Uniform Extradition and Rendition Act (UERA). Under that act, a fugitive may waive…
Whether an offender whose supervision was never transferred and who subsequently absconds supervision is subject to retaking under the terms of the Compact
How states should manage absconders apprehended in the receiving state
(a) A supervised individual applying for interstate supervision shall execute, at the time of application for transfer, a waiver of extradition from any state to which the individual may abscond while under supervision in the receiving state. (b) States…
At the request of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision’s (“ICAOS”) Executive Committee, and following a roundtable discussion with various ICAOS stakeholders, the following legal analysis has been prepared to serve as a resource…
As previously noted, Article I of ICAOS authorizes officers from a sending state to enter a receiving state, or any state where a supervised individual has absconded, for the purpose of retaking. Except for limited exceptions, the decision to retake lies…
Authority of Officials  Officers from the sending state are required to establish their authority to retake the supervised individual. Sending and/or receiving state officials must demonstrate the supervised individual in custody and subject to retaking…
(a) A receiving state shall notify a sending state of an act or pattern of behavior requiring retaking within 30 calendar days of discovery or determination by submitting a violation report. (b) A violation report shall contain– supervised individual’s…
Notwithstanding any other rule, if a supervised individual is charged with a subsequent felony or violent crime, the individual shall not be retaken or ordered to return until criminal charges have been dismissed, sentence has been satisfied, or the…
(a) The receiving state may close and cease supervision upon– The date of discharge indicated for the supervised individual at the time of application for supervision unless informed of an earlier or later date by the sending state; Notification to the…
The following key terms and their definitions supplement terms defined by the Compact rules. They should be of special interests to judicial authorities: Abscond means to be absent from the supervised individual’s approved place of residence and…
In Morrissey and Gagnon, the US Supreme Court established a two-step process for revocation proceedings.  Step 1: A preliminary hearing to determine the appropriateness of the individual's detention due to suspected violations of conditions of supervision…
Principal among the provisions of the ICAOS are the waiver of formal extradition requirements for returning supervised individuals who violate the terms and condition of their supervision. The ICAOS specifically provides that: The Compacting states…
(a) No state shall permit a supervised individual who is eligible for transfer under this compact to relocate to another state except as provided by the Compact and these rules.  (b) A supervised individual who is not eligible for transfer under this…
The Commission's rules can significantly affect the time between the final disposition of a case and the supervised individual’s ability to move to another state. Even if the supervised individual is eligible for transfer under the Compact, the court…
*/ As used in these rules, unless the context clearly requires a different construction- Abscond – means to be absent from the supervised individual's approved place of residence and employment; and failing to comply with reporting requirements. '…
Is there a standard waiver for a probable cause hearing? No. States should follow the elements of a waiver that inform the supervised individual of the consequences of a waiver in writing to prevent any question as to the voluntary nature of the admission…
While the Compact does not create a private right of action, this does not leave supervised individuals without recourse under Section 1983. Instead, their claims must be framed as violations of constitutionally protected rights. There are numerous…
Whether a sending state can close interest in a case if the offender's status no longer qualifies under the definition of supervision
Guidance from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Civil Rights as to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) Coverage & Exemptions for the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision
Whether an undocumented immigrant is subject to the Compact
Detainer – means an order to hold a supervised individual in custody.
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