Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

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Principal among the provisions of the ICAOS are the waiver of formal extradition requirements for returning supervised individuals who violate the terms and condition of their supervision. The ICAOS specifically provides that: The Compacting states…
(a) A supervised individual subject to retaking that may result in a revocation shall be afforded the opportunity for a probable cause hearing before a neutral and detached hearing officer in or reasonably near the place where the alleged violation…
Whether Rule 5.108 permits the use of 2-way closed circuit video for conducting probable cause
Whether an offender who has been arrested and released on bail for pending charges in the receiving state may be apprehended and detained for retaking by the sending state pending resolution of the new criminal charge
Whether a receiving state can reject a transfer if there are warrants or pending charges in the receiving state
How states should manage absconders apprehended in the receiving state
Whether offenders who are not eligible to transfer under Rule 3.101 or 2.105 are permitted to a discretionary transfer
Whether an offender is subject to retaking under the compact if a receiving state closes interest in a case pursuant to rule 4.112
Whether the offender being in the receiving state prior to investigation is a valid reason for rejection
Clarification regarding sex offenders living in the receiving state at the time of sentencing and imposing/enforcing special conditions
Whether a receiving state can make a determination of substantial compliance if an offender commits a crime in the receiving state during the period of investigation or has an outstanding warrant
Adopting an emergency rule for Massachusetts who had not enacted the Compact
Whether receiving states can denying reporting instructions based on an invalid plan of supervision
Whether an undocumented immigrant is subject to the Compact
Whether offenders sentenced to home detention programs are eligible for transfer under the Compact
Effect of New Jersey statute on acquitted persons by reason of insanity
Interpretation of physical harm and whether states can consider other criteria such as plea bargains in determining eligibility
Whether an offender whose supervision was never transferred and who subsequently absconds supervision is subject to retaking under the terms of the Compact
At the request of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision’s (“ICAOS”) Executive Committee, and following a roundtable discussion with various ICAOS stakeholders, the following legal analysis has been prepared to serve as a resource…
Privacy Policy Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System Version 5.0   Approved 04/23/2009 Revised on 3/20/2024   1.0 Statement of Purpose The goal of establishing and maintaining the ICOTS is to further the following purposes of the Commission:…
Rules governing the general provisions of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision
Compact – means the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.
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