Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

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Arrival – means to report to the location and officials designated in reporting instructions given to an offender at the time of the offender’s departure from a sending state under an interstate compact transfer of supervision.
(a) Departure notifications—At the time of an offender’s departure from any state pursuant to a transfer of supervision or the granting of reporting instructions, the state from which the offender departs shall notify the intended receiving state, and, if…
Whether receiving states can denying reporting instructions based on an invalid plan of supervision
Reporting Instructions – means the orders given to an offender by a sending or receiving state directing the offender to report to a designated person or place, at a specified date and time, in another state. Reporting instructions shall include place,…
(a) A sending state may request that a receiving state agree to expedited reporting instructions for an offender if the sending state believes that emergency circumstances exist and the receiving state agrees with that determination. If the receiving…
(a) When an offender submits a request to transfer to a receiving state or a subsequent receiving state, or to return to a sending state, the victim notification authority in the sending state shall inform victims of the offender of their right to be…
(a) If a receiving state accepts transfer of the offender, the receiving state’s acceptance shall include reporting instructions. (b) Upon notice of acceptance of transfer by the receiving state, the sending state shall issue a travel permit to the…
Whether a state can permit an offender to proceed to another state for multiple periods of time, never exceeding 45 consecutive days in any single occurrence
Whether the receiving state's acceptance of a transfer request or reporting instructions creates the 'planned release' date
Behavior Requiring Retaking – means an act or pattern of non-compliance with conditions of supervision that could not be successfully addressed through the use of documented corrective action or graduated responses and would result in a request for…
(a) A request for reporting instructions for an offender who was living in the receiving state at the time of initial sentencing or after disposition of a violation or revocation proceeding shall be submitted by the sending state within 7 business days of…
(a) A sending state may submit a completed request for transfer of supervision no earlier than 120 calendar days prior to an offender’s planned release from a correctional facility. (b) If a pre-release transfer request has been submitted, a sending state…
(a) Except as required in Rules 5.101-1, 5.102, 5.103 and 5.103-1 at its sole discretion, a sending state may order the return of an offender.  The sending state must notify the receiving state within 15 business days of their issuance of the directive to…
The Requested Progress Report Dashboard lists cases in which a requested progress report was due within the specified date range. The progress report due date, progress report transmit date and days overdue are included for each case.  The report can be…
(a) For an offender returning to the sending state, the receiving state shall request reporting instructions, unless the offender is under active criminal investigation or is charged with a subsequent felony or violent crime in the receiving state. The…
(a) Upon a request by the receiving state and documentation that the offender’s behavior requires retaking, a sending state shall issue a warrant to retake or order the return of an offender from the receiving state or a subsequent receiving state within…
Rule 5.108 allows a supervised individual to waive a probable cause hearing. However, no waiver can be accepted unless the supervised individual admits to one or more violations of their supervision that would result in the pursuance of revocation in the…
Use the Addendum to Response to Violation Report for correspondence after submitting a Response to Violation Report in ICOTS. This ensures information consolidates to the official violation record in ICOTS.    DO NOT use Compact Action Requests to follow-…
The rules of the Commission can have significant impact on the time between final disposition of a case and when the offender can actually move to another state. To the extent that an offender is eligible for transfer under the Compact, a court does not…
(a) Except as provided in sections (c) & (d), and subject to the exceptions in Rule 3.103 and 3.106, a sending state seeking to transfer supervision of an offender to another state shall submit a completed transfer request with all required…
I created an RFRI based on a previously rejected RFRI, and ICOTS won't let me change the reason for requesting reporting instructions. When basing a new RFRI activity on a previously rejected RFRI, one section that cannot be changed is the "…
(a) At the discretion of the sending state, an offender shall be eligible for transfer of supervision to a receiving state under the compact, and the receiving state shall accept transfer for: Transfers of military members—An offender who is a member of…
This on-demand training module reviews key definitions in determining eligibility for transfer, covered offenses, criteria for mandatory and discretionary acceptances as well as qualifying reasons for reporting instructions. This module is approximately…
(a) A receiving state shall notify a sending state of an act or pattern of behavior requiring retaking within 30 calendar days of discovery or determination by submitting a violation report. (b) A violation report shall contain– offender’s name and…
Probable Cause Hearing – a hearing in compliance with the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, conducted on behalf of an offender accused of violating the terms or conditions of the offender‘s parole or probation.
This guide outlines due process procedures for retaking under the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS). This guide is not an exhaustive legal review given the unique nature of violation cases. Each state may have procedural variations…
This on-demand training module includes: Probable Cause Hearing Overview & Purpose When a Probable Cause Hearing is Required Probable Cause Hearing Requirements Waiver of Probable Cause
This on-demand training module includes: Violation Reports for Mandatory Retaking Types of Violations Requiring Retaking Documentation Expectations Managing the Retaking Process
Clarification regarding sex offenders living in the receiving state at the time of sentencing and imposing/enforcing special conditions
Through its rules, the Commission allows an “expedited” option, which effectively allows the offender to transfer supervision on a “pending acceptance” basis. To qualify for expedited reporting instructions, the sending and receiving state must agree that…
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