Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 74
Section 1. Purpose. Pursuant to the terms of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, (the “Compact”), the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (the “Commission”) is established to fulfill the objectives of the Compact,…
The Compact shall dissolve effective upon the date of the withdrawal or the termination by default of a Compacting State that reduces membership in the Compact to one Compacting State as provided by the Compact. Upon dissolution of the Compact, the…
Section 1. Election and Succession. The officers of the Commission shall include a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and treasurer. The officers shall be duly appointed Commission Members, except that if the Commission appoints an Executive…
Section 1. Immunity. The Commission, its Members, officers, executive director, and employees shall be immune from suit and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for any claim for damage to or loss of property or personal injury or…
Section 1. Meetings and Notice. The Commission shall meet at least once each calendar year at a time and place to be determined by the Commission. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the chairperson, and must be called upon the…
Section 1. Executive Committee. The Commission may establish an executive committee, which shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Commission during the interim between Commission meetings, except for rulemaking or amendment of the Compact. The…
Compacting States may withdraw from the Compact only as provided by the Compact. The Commission may terminate a Compacting State as provided by the Compact.
Any By-law may be adopted, amended or repealed by a majority vote of the Members, provided that written notice and the full text of the proposed action is provided to all Commission Members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the…
Section 1. Commissioners The Commission Membership shall be comprised as provided by the Compact. Each Compacting State shall have and be limited to one Member. A Member shall be the Commissioner of the Compacting State. Each Compacting State shall…
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The Commission’s fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Section 2. Budget. The Commission shall operate on an annual budget cycle and shall, in any given year, adopt budgets for the following fiscal year or years…
By-Laws – means those by-laws established by the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision for its governance, or for directing or controlling the Interstate Commission’s actions or conduct.
The Compact Clause of the U.S. Constitution states, “No State shall, without the consent of Congress, . . . enter into any agreement or Compact with another State . . . .” U.S. CONST. art. I, § 10, cl. 3. Though a strict reading of the Compact Clause…
Congressional consent can significantly change the nature of an interstate Compact. “[W]here Congress has authorized the States to enter into a cooperative agreement, and where the subject matter of that agreement is an appropriate subject for…
The Eleventh Amendment guarantees state sovereign immunity from suit in federal court. The Eleventh Amendment ensures that states retain certain attributes of sovereignty, including sovereign immunity. Hans v. Louisiana, 134 U.S. 1, 13 (1890). Over the…
Some Compacts authorize the interstate commission to seek judicial action to enforce the Compact against a party state. Article XII.C of the ICAOS is a good example. See Interstate Comm’n for Adult Offender Supervision v. Tennessee Bd. of Prob. &…
Like any other interstate Compact, the ICAOS inaugurated when state legislatures passed similar statutes enacting the provisions of the agreement. In the case of the ICAOS, the threshold requirement for activation of the Compact was adoption of the…
Of the powers of the Commission, none is more unique and all encompassing than its rulemaking authority. The rules promulgated by the Commission have the force and effect of statutory law within member states and therefore must be given full effect by all…
Section 1. Commission Staff and Offices. The Commission may by a majority of its Members, or through its executive committee appoint or retain an executive director, who shall serve at its pleasure and who shall act as secretary to the Commission, but…
The Commission can initiate judicial enforcement by filing a complaint or petition in the appropriate U.S. district court. A member state that loses in any such litigation is required to reimburse the Commission for the costs incurred in prosecuting or…
One of the key features of ICAOS is the Commission’s enforcement tools to promote state compliance with the Compact. The tools provided to the Commission are not directed at compelling offender compliance; such compliance is a matter for the member states…
The Commission possesses significant enforcement authority against states deemed in default of their obligations under the Compact. The decision to impose a penalty for noncompliance rests with the Commission as a whole or its executive committee acting…
(a) If the Interstate Commission determines that any state has at any time defaulted (“defaulting state”) in the performance of any of its obligations or responsibilities under this Compact, the by–laws or any duly promulgated rules the Interstate…
The following are key features of the ICAOS: The creation of a formal Interstate Commission comprised of Commissioners representing each of the member states and vested with full voting rights, the exercise of which is binding on the respective state. The…
The Interstate Commission may, by majority vote of the members, initiate legal action in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or, at the discretion of the Interstate Commission, in the federal district where the Interstate…
I. Mission To provide an independent, objective assurance that there is adherence to Commission rules, policies, and procedures. II. Objectives The objective of the ICAOS Compliance Audit Program is to provide independent assurance to the Commission that…
The courts have defined the relationship between sending state and receiving state officials as an agency relationship. Courts recognize that in supervising out-of-state offenders the receiving state acts on behalf of and as an agent of the sending state…
An offender subject to retaking proceedings has no right to bail. Rule 5.111 specifically prohibits any court or paroling authority in any state to admit an offender to bail pending completion of the retaking process, individual state law to the contrary…
(a) Through the office of a state’s compact administrator, states shall attempt to resolve disputes or controversies by communicating with each other by telephone, telefax, or electronic mail. (b) Failure to resolve dispute or controversy— Following an…
Shall – means that a state or other actor is required to perform an act, the nonperformance of which may result in the imposition of sanctions as permitted by the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, its by-laws and rules.
I. Authorization Article I of the ICAOS BYLAWS provides that, the Commission “is established to fulfill the objectives of the Compact” through “the promulgation of binding rules and operating procedures” governing “oversight and coordination of offender…
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