Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

Displaying 331 - 360 of 428
(a) Upon a declaration of a national emergency by the President of the United States and/or the declaration of emergency by one or more Governors of the compact member states in response to a crisis, the Commission may, by majority vote, authorize the…
Section 1. Purpose. Pursuant to the terms of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, (the “Compact”), the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (the “Commission”) is established to fulfill the objectives of the Compact,…
Section 1. Commissioners The Commission Membership shall be comprised as provided by the Compact. Each Compacting State shall have and be limited to one Member. A Member shall be the Commissioner of the Compacting State. Each Compacting State shall…
I. Authority The Executive Committee is vested with the power to adopt a policy on behalf of the Interstate Commission during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session. The Executive Committee oversees the day-to-day activities managed by…
I. Objectives A. This policy advocates the responsible use of alcohol at business functions for the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision and ensures that ICAOS funds are being expended in a prudent and reasonable manner in the conduct of…
(a) Notification of travel permits - The receiving state shall notify the sending state prior to the issuance of a travel permit for a supervised individual traveling to the sending state.  (b) This rule does not apply to supervised individuals who are…
This practice guide assists Compact offices in navigating procedures for electronic signatures. Topics addressed within the guide include: Background on legality of electronic signatures; Responsibilities , procedures and best practices when utilizing…
At the request of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision’s (“ICAOS”) Executive Committee, and following a roundtable discussion with various ICAOS stakeholders, the following legal analysis has been prepared to serve as a resource…
When possibly subject to revocation in the sending state for violations (excluding new convictions) committed in the receiving state, compact offenders are ENTITLED to a probable cause hearing near where the alleged violations occurred prior to retaking.…
This guide supports jail officials managing detention and disposition of individuals on interstate compact supervision. Topics addressed within the new guide include: Wh transfers through the Compact; How does a supervised individual apply for an…
This guide supports court professionals implementing the supervision of individuals transferring through the Compact. Topics addressed within the guide include: Who transfers through the Compact; How does a supervised individual apply for interstate…
This guide offers parole officials useful information and practical insights for implementing the Compact. Topics addressed within the guide include: Who transfers through the Compact; When may an individual begin the transfer application; Why would a…
State Administrator (See ICOTS Administration Section for more Information) Creates, deactivates, and establishes roles for users. Can add case notes to its state’s cases. Performs any and all functions available under the 'Administrators' Tab……
Register Interest creates a NEW Compact Case on an existing offender profile by an ICOTS user not associated with an active case on the offender’s profile.  Created a new case in error?  Simply click ‘Remove Interest’ to delete the case created in error…
The Supervising User can update the primary address in ICOTS at anytime via the Offender's Profile.  If you need to update the primary address and are not listed as the supervising user, the designation will need to be reassigned.  If the supervising…
Follow up to the FY22 transfer assessment and ABM sessions, this training will cover the various uses of the Transfer Decision Dashboard and uses for improving acceptance rates.  This report provides states analysis opportunities to identify areas for…
APPA Winter Institute February 2, 2022:  The Commission presented at the American Probation and Parole Association Winter Training Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. There, community supervision and judicial professionals learned how the Interstate Compact…
ICAOS Dashboards Overview & Explanations ICAOS Dashboard Training Demos DCA Dashboard Training  
The Arrival Notices report lists all notice of arrivals transmitted within the selected date range. The dashboard can be filtered on supervision type, arrival type, returning to sending state, receiving state user, or offender last name. Common Uses: How…
UNDERSTANDING WHEN TO USE PROGRESS REPORTS VS. VIOLATION REPORTS Once supervision responsibilities are transferred to the receiving state, status information and supervision updates are shared with the sending state using ICOTS. There are two reporting…
Assigning - this process occurs when the responsibility for a Compact Activity or Case is designated to a PO from either a Supervisor or a Compact Office User. Reassigning - this process occurs when the responsibility for a Compact Activity or Case is…
I have a case that shows up on the 'Cases in Need of Departure Notice' report in ICOTS, but the approved reporting instructions were withdrawn. How can I get this case removed? This is one of several known issues with the 'Cases in Need of…
Before taking any action, be sure to review records!!! MERGE Ensure ALL cases are historical (withdrawn or closed) before initiating a merge.  When approving a merge request, review the record and disapprove if a new active case is created while the merge…
First Time Login Once a state administrator creates your account, you will receive an email and can set up your password.  Note:  This should be completed within 20 minutes of receiving the email.  If after 20 minutes, simply click 'What is my…
ICAOS Practice Guide Approved April 2024 The Training, Education and Public Relations Committee along with the DCA Liaison Committee, approved a training resource providing guidance on when to utilize progress reports versus violation reports. While both…
Ensuring Successful Supervision through Cooperative Solutions On February 27, 2024, the Commission presented at the American Probation and Parole Association Winter Training Institute in Seattle, Washington. There, community supervision and judicial…
The Discretionary Retaking activity communicates the Sending State’s intent to Retake under Rule 5.101 (b) ‘retake a supervised individual via warrant.’    See Rule 5.101 Use of Discretionary Retaking Activity Sending state intends to retake via warrant,…
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