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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo



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ICA Sec 907B-2

Signed into law:
March 26, 2001


Sally Kreamer


Sally KreamerPhoto


Sally Kreamer was appointed as the deputy director for Community-Based Corrections for the Iowa Department of Corrections in 2015. Prior to that,

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Sally Kreamer was appointed as the deputy director for Community-Based Corrections for the Iowa Department of Corrections in 2015. Prior to that, she served as the director of Community-Based Corrections for the Fifth Judicial District Department of Corrections Services, providing pretrial, probation, parole, and work release services. An evidence-based practitioner and educator, Ms. Kreamer worked with parole boards, judges, colleges and universities, faith-based community members, and other community providers on the implementation of research-informed practices that were trauma-informed, culturally diverse and gender-responsive. She published several articles and manuals in the field of probation and parole and has served on many boards, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Iowa Correctional Association, and the Criminal Justice Advisory Board. Ms. Kreamer obtained her bachelor of science from Iowa State University and her masters of science from the University of Cincinnati.


Compact Administrator

Simona Hammond

Compact Administrator

Simona HammondPhoto


State ICOTS Administrator

IA - ICOTS Administrator

ICOTS Administrator


Compact Office

Charity Klop

Interstate Compact Specialist


Kelly Johnson

Interstate Compact Specialist - Outgoing Parole Cases


Victims' Representative

Mary Roche

Victim Liaison



Offender Information

Sex Offender Registration Requirements

State Council


Executive Representative

Laura Book,

Judicial Representative

Bob Gast,

Legislative Representative

Brian Lohse,

Victims' Representative

Mary Roche,

Additional Members

Sally Kreamer, Commissioner

Melanie Bauler , Emmet County Attorney

Meredith Lamberti, Vice Chair, Iowa Board of Parole

Luke Fleener , Webster County Sheriff

Kelliane Torres, Deputy Compact Administrator, Juvenile Compact

Curtis Hamstra, Commissioner, Juvenile Compact

Simona Hammond, Deputy Compact Administrator

Meetings & Minutes

Meeting Dates:


Minutes Submitted:




One time $300 enrollment fee for all Iowa supervised individuals (probation & parole) and supervised individuals who transfer into the state via the compact.


$100 interstate compact transfer fee to all supervised individuals transferring out of state via the compact.