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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo



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45 ILCS 170

Signed into law:
June 26, 2002


Melissa Smith


Melissa SmithPhoto


Melissa M. Smith graduated with a bachelor’s degree in social work in 2003 from Bradley University, working in the field of social work until sh

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Melissa M. Smith graduated with a bachelor’s degree in social work in 2003 from Bradley University, working in the field of social work until she began her career in community correction in 2005 under the probation division. While working in the probation division she served as a juvenile and adult probation officer.  Ms. Smith was actively involved in the Illinois Probation and Court Services Association from 2005 until 2014.  Her involvement included being a committee member, chairing the Membership Committee, and serving on the Executive Board for four years as the treasurer.  In 2014, Ms. Smith was hired by the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice as a Juvenile Justice Youth and Family Specialist in the Aftercare Division, commonly known as juvenile parole.  While working for the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice she obtained a master’s degree in psychology from Northcentral University and took on additional duties including being assigned to the intensive supervision unit, managing the adult suspend status caseload, providing training, participating in the trauma-informed aftercare committee, and being the back-up for the Juvenile Interstate Compact Commissioner for approximately seven years. Ms. Smith was appointed as the Illinois Interstate Compact Commissioner with the Illinois Department of Corrections in August of 2023. 


Deputy Compact Administrator

Holly Kassube

Deputy Compact Administrator / Probation

Holly KassubePhoto


State ICOTS Administrator

IL Parole - ICOTS Administrator

ICOTS Administrator Parole


IL Probation - ICOTS Administrator

ICOTS Administrator Probation


Compact Office

Ashley Bismillah

Interstate Compact Specialist


Tracy Robinson

Parole: Supervised Individuals A-G


Joan Coons

Parole: Supervised Individuals H-Q


Ashley Erlenbush

Parole: Supervised Individuals R-Z


Molly Dearing

Probation Interstate Compact Specialist


Ronda Jones

Probation Interstate Compact Specialist


Angel Jones

Probation Lead Interstate Compact Specialist


Victims' Representative

Cherri Gass

Victims' Representative



Offender Information

Sex Offender Registration Requirements

Violation Grid Information

Parole Sanction Matrix

State Council


Executive Representative

Ernest Cato, Chief of Parole, Illinois Department of Corrections

Judicial Representative

Hon. John Gibbons, Associate Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit

Legislative Representative

Suzanne Ness, Legislative Member

Victims' Representative

Cherrie Price, Victim’s Representative

Additional Members

Holly Kassube, Deputy Compact Administrator, Administrative Office of Illinois Courts

Thomas Debetta, Deputy Director of Juvenile Justice

Tomiko Frierson, Juvenile Commissioner

Karrie Reuter, Bureau Chief of Youth Intervention Secretary of Human Services

Daniel Hunt, Assistant Director Probation Services, Administrative Office of Illinois Courts

Representative Dave Vella, Legislative Member

Senator Steven McClure, Legislative Member

Senator Chris Belt, Legislative Member

Tamela Witfang, Department of Children and Family Services

Aishia Brown, Department of Children and Family Services

Nancy Donahoe, State's Attorney Association Appointee

Joan Coons, Department of Corrections

John Zimmerman, Office of Statewide Pre-Trial Services

Joe Howe, Office of Statewide Pre-Trial Services

Keisha Watkins, Crime Victims Advocate



Up to $50, depending on supervising department’s fee schedule (probation only)


$125 (probation only)