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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo



Colorado Flag



CRSA §§ 24-60-2802

Signed into law:
April 10, 2000


Andrew Zavaras

Commissioner / Compact Administrator

Andrew ZavarasPhoto


Commissioner Zavaras began his career in Criminal Justice as a Community Parole Officer (CPO) for the Colorado Department of Corrections, Division

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Commissioner Zavaras began his career in Criminal Justice as a Community Parole Officer (CPO) for the Colorado Department of Corrections, Division of Adult Parole in 2005. As a CPO, he became knowledgeable on supervising virtually every type of caseload available from interstate cases to gangs and sex offenders. Following subsequent promotions, he became the Division's first supervisor of the Housing & Stabilization Unit, focused on hard to serve parolees experiencing homelessness and/or high mental health needs. In that capacity, Mr. Zavaras built bridges between parole staff, re-entry staff and community partners to ensure a smoother transition and more effective supervision, leading to his promotion to manager of the Unit as well deputy compact administrator. In 2021, he was appointed as commissioner, serving as the manager of the Interstate Compact Unit and Westminster field office.


Deputy Compact Administrator

Collin Hocker

Deputy Compact Administrator / Parole

Collin Hocker Photo


Megan Zimmerman

Deputy Compact Administrator / Parole

Megan ZimmermanPhoto


Crissy Schaudt

Deputy Compact Adminstrator / Probation

Crissy  SchaudtPhoto


State ICOTS Administrator

CO Parole - ICOTS Administrator

ICOTS Administrator Parole


CO Probation - ICOTS Administrator

ICOTS Administrator Probation


Compact Office

Michelle Anderson

ICOTS Administrator


Marisa Gibbins

Probation Interstate Compact Specialist A-H


Julianna McMaster

Probation Interstate Compact Specialist I-R


Alexandria Luevano

Probation Interstate Compact Specialist S-Z


Victims' Representative

Kelly Kissell

Victims' Representative



Violation Grid Information

Colorado Parole Violation Decision Making Process (CVDMP) User Guide - See p14 for Presumptive Response Matrix

Please note the following for probationers coming into Colorado: All probationers, who are sentenced to ISP in the sending state, will be placed on intensive supervision in Colorado. All probationers (with an offense date of 10/1/13 or later), who are sentenced to regular probation in the sending state, shall be screened for intensive probation in Colorado. If the probationer meets criteria, the probationer will be placed in the intensive program, even though they were sentenced to regular supervision in the sending state.

For offenders being sent from Colorado, Compact States will be receiving requests for ISP supervision for those sentenced by the court (offenses before 10/1/13), as well as requests for intensive supervision from the probation officer for cases that may not have received a direct sentence to ISP. The receiving state should contact Colorado, via ICOTS, when the offender has completed the ISP requirements, prior to moving the offender to standard supervision.


C.R.S. 18-1.3-202 Courts maintaining jurisdiction over probationers, during revocations

Colorado HB 16-1359 for Probationers—Medical Marijuana / Effective Date 08.10.16

State Council


Executive Representative

Collin Hocker , Deputy Compact Administrator for Parole, Co-chair

Judicial Representative

Crissy Schaudt, Deputy Compact Administrator for Probation, Co-Chair

Legislative Representative

Adrienne Sanchez, Legislative Representative

Victims' Representative

Kelly Kissel, Victim Representative

Additional Members

Dana Wilks, Deputy Director/Division of Probation Services

Jeremy Botkins, Assistant Legal Counsel/ Judicial

Joseph Whitfield, District Court Judge, Advisory Member

Matthew Cooper, Supervisor Parole Interstate Unit, Advisory Member

Stephen Holmes, Colorado Parole Board, Advisory Member

Jeffrey Holmes , District Court Judge, Advisory Member

Joyce Akhahenda, Public Defenders Office Representative, Advisory Member

David Martin, Sheriff's Association Representative, Advisory Member

Jaime FitzSimon, Sheriff Representative, Advisory Member

William Culver, District Attorney Representative, Advisory Member

Courtney Davis, Team Leader Parole Interstate Unit, Advisory Member

Meetings & Minutes

Meeting Dates:




Minutes Submitted:





Probation: $50/mo
Parole: $10/mo C-WISE Fee


Probation (outgoing): $100
Effective 07.01.12